Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ways to Protect Your Home From Getting Burglarized

Your safety is number one.  You always want to create an appearance that someone is home all day every day.  Intruders may stalk your home on several occasions to find your patterns and daily routines to find the best time for them to break in.  If you really think about it most people get up at the same time every day, leave the same way to work, come home around the same time without deviation.  We are creatures of habit and routines which makes it easy for the intruder to determine the best time to break in.  Below are some updates you can easily complete on your home to help confuse the intruder:

-Make sure shades are down and closed, along with drapes or window treatments
-Installing motion sensor lighting on the exterior of your home, over the garage and/or near the front door
-Prune shrubs and manicured lawn to eliminate hiding spots for intruders to hangout
-Keep windows and doors locked when not in use, along with the garage door closed and secure sliding doors
-Adopt/purchase a dog to stand guard, if you don’t want a dog put up BEWARE dog signs on fences and add some dog bowls to the yard or the front porch
-Put up surveillance cameras to monitor your exterior
-Purchase an alarm system or place alarm signs in your yard to indicate you have the services (even if you do not subscribe)
-Do not advertise large purchases in your weekly trash pickup, example: empty flat screen TV boxes etc.
-Install a dead bolt if you do not already have one on your front and back doors
-Set indoor timers that turn on different items in your home throughout the day, example: lights, radios, TV’s etc.
-Put up 3-6 ft. privacy fence, one more thing the intruder would have to maneuver around
-If you are leaving town, stop the mail and newspaper services so you don’t show everyone you are not home
-If you are a single female living alone put a large pair of male shoes on your front porch to give the illusion a male is living at the home and you are not alone
-Self-defense items locked away in a secrete place where only you and your husband know

Although the above list is not all inclusive, it’s a good start.  You should always have a plan of what you and your family would do if this situation ever happened while you are home so you are prepared. You never know in this world.  With an economy that is up and down and people without stability, break ins are becoming more common. Make your home safer TODAY!

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