Thursday, October 10, 2013

Craigslist- Buyer beware

Craigslist has been a great free avenue for people to post items to sell, housing for sale, job opportunities in the metro, ways to find people that you can relate to and so much more.  I have purchased several items from craigslist and had mostly successes.  I have purchased everything from appliances to a pool rack to a riding mower (husband purchased).  While I have had success I have heard some horror stories such as people selling items that do not work, not showing up for appointments, and not getting what you paid for.  While there are some negatives it’s a great place to get items for the home at a discount. You can re-purpose the purchased items as I have shown in a previous post, be creative.  Not every item posted is bad, there some good people selling great quality items at a discount. During some of my searches on craigslist for specific items, I have come across some interesting finds to say the least, enjoy:
By far the best find to date. How would you like that hanging on your wall? Probably a piece I would recommend taking down before selling your home.  $150 what a steal? Not sure how I came across this ad, I have never searched for this specifically.

I found the next two ads under the free section.  While most of the items under the free section are "junk" in my opinion there are a bunch of free firewood ads which is awesome. However, not all of them are particularly "good" for use as firewood.  In the Overland Park ad they had to add an arrow so you know which "free" wood you are cutting down.  Both tress are super tiny.  If you cut it up it would be more like twigs. While this would add some fuel for an outdoor bond fire, its not going to keep your house warm.  I feel the ad is more of a please cut and haul this away I have zero tools.

I have found a bunch of appliance ads that should have been re-titled, "SCRAP METAL" due to the condition.  I am not sure if people are joking when they place these ads or if they have nothing to do during the day, they are a bit odd. In the Independence ad they didnt even clean the fridge, they added verbiage to bottom of the add will clean for full price.  Really... you are willing to clean it if you get full price?

Again not sure if people have too much time on their hands to take the time to post these. 

In this photo it looks like they are using a furnace temperature gauge box on the stove....

Another ad under the free section, judging by the other photos the double wide is not salvageable... but free to anyone who will move!

One of the most entertaining internet sites I have been on over the years is  If you have some spare time it’s worth checking out. You will fall out of your seat laughing, its hysterical.  They use a lot of craigslist ads to mess around with people. Let me know what you think of the site!

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