Pools are a great luxury to have. You can spend a lot of money having an in ground pool installed and not always see the return when you sell. Getting a return on your investment definitely depends on the location of your home in the United States. If you are in a warmer climate year round pools are more desirable due to the higher temperatures. People also might expect a home to have a pool in the warmer parts of the county since all the other homes have one. However if you put a pool in your backyard in the Midwest you may only get to use it half the year or less due to weather. Not everyone wants a pool in the Midwest and might shy away from your home. Pools are a lot of work to maintain, expensive to fix, require higher insurance rates and take up a majority of peoples yards. It takes a certain buyer that may want to take on these responsibilities. You will definitely want to weigh the good with the bad if you are thinking of having an in ground pool installed knowing you may not get value out of the pool as what you paid for it. With this predicament it is becoming more popular to get an above ground pool. It is way cheaper, less to maintain if something breaks because everything is above ground, can be moved to the next home or trashed at any point. They are not as "pretty" but more practical in my opinion. Remember if you ever decide to get a pool, above or below ground you will need to build a fence around the pool if your yard is not already completely fenced. The fence is a REQUIREMENT, not and option.

Infinity Pool (love the look of these)
Enclosed Pool
Most Common In Ground Backyard Pool
Above Ground Pool
Different Version of Above Ground
All photos were found on Google.
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