Friday, July 5, 2013

Hoarders- Over the Top

Hoarders, if you haven't seen the show you have probably heard about it.  Who knew there were so many people out there that cant get rid of anything or get rid of very little. When homes have a build up of trash, junk, treasures or stuff it deteriorates the home over time.  The weight of the items can put so much pressure on the floor it could damage it permanently or worse the floor could cave in. Homes are not built for significant unforeseen weight.  If you notice stuff piling up in your home, its best to have a garage sale once a year or donate it to local charities.  My theory is: if you haven't opened the box in one year or used the item, you probably don't need it.  Of course there are some keep sakes that you might not look at or use in a year, but you should try to find a place for them where they can been seen or used- not being stored away and forgotten about.  People accumulate stuff over time which is fine, you just want to make sure the accumulation doesn't become overwhelming.  Just think, if you ever have to move it will be that much more to take with you and then you have to find a place for it in the next place. Also, when you put your house on the market you want as little as possible in your home (within reason). You want to show all the room that is available making the rooms look larger and more usable.  Too much clutter could turn people away.  My husband is always mentioning how he thinks we should fill up our empty bedrooms because there isn't much in the rooms. I hate to store stuff we don't need so we keep very little extra items in the rooms; besides a bed for guests!

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