Thursday, April 11, 2013

Showing Feedback- Take One for the Team

When your house is on the market and open for the world to see on the internet you begin to get showings set up through agents and individuals. People contact their agents and show up at your place to take a look around. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and they will share all the flaws or issues with you after viewing your home. They aren’t always pleasant and can sometimes frustrate you as you don’t feel the same way. Remember you chose the layout, the location, the colors, and the furniture. You are a bit bias. You really need to step back, walk through your home and act like you were a buyer walking in for the first time, be picky. Find things that bug you and either fix them or know that people may complain or mention in their feedback. They may mention things that you can’t fix, like traffic noise, location, neighbors, etc. They will mention things you can fix and you might want to depending on the difference it will make and how much it will cost, will it change the overall look. If it is commonly mentioned over and over from buyer to buyer it might be worth the change. Most commonly they will mention the price and how they feel it should be lower, remember everyone wants a deal. They are comparing your home to others on their list in the same price range. They are seeing what they can get for the same asking price, if your home has less amenities, rooms, etc they will comment. But remember no matter the price any one can put in a contract regardless if it’s near the asking price, if they really loved it they would send in an offer at minimum- far less than your asking price. Some comments might make you feel better about your home like good curb appeal, nicely decorated, good location, it’s not all bad. Take feedback with a grain of salt. Everyone has different tastes.

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